Hi guys,
this is a list of the steps i have followed to obtain a working instance of pentaho integrated with cas.
- Install a postgres db or use a ldap server (or whatever you want)
- Install a cas instance on an application server
I used a jboss empty server in 'standalone' mode
I followed the wiki for a pre 4.0 version https://wiki.jasig.org/display/CASUM/Home to configure/install cas 3.0.5 using a postgres db authentication
Be ready to look for some missing jars in internet: in my installation i was missing struts-taglibs, dbcp, postgres driver and so on.
Mind that if you need a single-sign-on working on multiple application (pentaho, redmine, liferay) so you MUST configure and use cas in https.
- Unzip a pentaho ce instance (bundled with tomcat) wherever you want and proceed to configure the database connection.
I installed the 5.0.1 ce version (latest stable) and after configuring a postgres db instance i started looking for some tutorial about integrating Pentaho with CAS.
The tutorial at pentaho site is intended for Enterprise Edition.
It's hard to find a good version of applicationContext-spring-security-cas.xml file; some external tutorials/posts show a partial or non-working versions.
I've been able to solve the ssl-certificate problem but, one step before my goal i got blocked for a long time by the applicationContext-spring-security-cas.xml problem.
So that's the solution: try to install the enterprise edition and use its xml files to complete/integrate the cas configuration of ce edition.
For the spring/xml configuration problem take a glance to my working configuration.
For the ssl problem modify catalina.bat file telling tomcat to use its own trustore/certstore
(where you can the certificates used by cas server) adding after the line ':okHome'
hope it helps,
P.S. sorry for my poor english, i'm an italian developer ;-)
this is a list of the steps i have followed to obtain a working instance of pentaho integrated with cas.
- Install a postgres db or use a ldap server (or whatever you want)
- Install a cas instance on an application server
I used a jboss empty server in 'standalone' mode
I followed the wiki for a pre 4.0 version https://wiki.jasig.org/display/CASUM/Home to configure/install cas 3.0.5 using a postgres db authentication
Be ready to look for some missing jars in internet: in my installation i was missing struts-taglibs, dbcp, postgres driver and so on.
Mind that if you need a single-sign-on working on multiple application (pentaho, redmine, liferay) so you MUST configure and use cas in https.
- Unzip a pentaho ce instance (bundled with tomcat) wherever you want and proceed to configure the database connection.
I installed the 5.0.1 ce version (latest stable) and after configuring a postgres db instance i started looking for some tutorial about integrating Pentaho with CAS.
The tutorial at pentaho site is intended for Enterprise Edition.
It's hard to find a good version of applicationContext-spring-security-cas.xml file; some external tutorials/posts show a partial or non-working versions.
I've been able to solve the ssl-certificate problem but, one step before my goal i got blocked for a long time by the applicationContext-spring-security-cas.xml problem.
So that's the solution: try to install the enterprise edition and use its xml files to complete/integrate the cas configuration of ce edition.
For the spring/xml configuration problem take a glance to my working configuration.
For the ssl problem modify catalina.bat file telling tomcat to use its own trustore/certstore
(where you can the certificates used by cas server) adding after the line ':okHome'
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore="%CATALINA_HOME%\keystore.ks" -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore="%CATALINA_HOME%\keystore.ks" -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit
P.S. sorry for my poor english, i'm an italian developer ;-)