Dear Community,
I'm trying to configure LDAP configuration. I'm using biserver v5. I'd like to get a few of my questions cleared. I've been following
I can't seem to get LDAPS to work. I have something like "contextSource.providerUrl=ldaps\://\:636/dc\=example,dc\=com" in after switching to ldap from jackrabbit in I get errors saying something to the effect of "can't bind". Our LDAP servers don't allow binding in clear text.
Q1) Does this version of Pentaho support LDAPS?
Q2) I think our LDAP has objects Pentaho can use that are readable via anonymous bind. Will leaving contextSource.userDn & contextSource.password blank make Pentaho try anonymous bind? I tested this, but it doesn't seem to work. Is there a way to tell Pentaho to use anonymous bind (then I won't have to use LDAPS)?
Q3) Does Pentaho simply try to bind to LDAP servers based on the user name, and that's good enough for users to authenticate on the web UI?
Thank you,
I'm trying to configure LDAP configuration. I'm using biserver v5. I'd like to get a few of my questions cleared. I've been following
I can't seem to get LDAPS to work. I have something like "contextSource.providerUrl=ldaps\://\:636/dc\=example,dc\=com" in after switching to ldap from jackrabbit in I get errors saying something to the effect of "can't bind". Our LDAP servers don't allow binding in clear text.
Q1) Does this version of Pentaho support LDAPS?
Q2) I think our LDAP has objects Pentaho can use that are readable via anonymous bind. Will leaving contextSource.userDn & contextSource.password blank make Pentaho try anonymous bind? I tested this, but it doesn't seem to work. Is there a way to tell Pentaho to use anonymous bind (then I won't have to use LDAPS)?
Q3) Does Pentaho simply try to bind to LDAP servers based on the user name, and that's good enough for users to authenticate on the web UI?
Thank you,