Following the 5.0 documentation I created in my database the "pentaho_operations_mart" user.
Later, I configured my Context.xml file of tomcat, but it is not clear to me what I should do with the following configuration.
Moreover, this piece of configuration (pentaho_operations_mart) appears on the 5.0 documentation but it is not present on the Context.xml of tomcat 5.2
My question is/are:
Following the 5.0 documentation I created in my database the "pentaho_operations_mart" user.
CREATE USER pentaho_operations_mart IDENTIFIED BY pentaho_operations_mart;
Moreover, this piece of configuration (pentaho_operations_mart) appears on the 5.0 documentation but it is not present on the Context.xml of tomcat 5.2
<Resource validationQuery="select 1 from dual" url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/XE"
driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" password="password" username="hibuser" maxWait="10000" maxIdle="5"
maxActive="20" factory="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
auth="Container" name="jdbc/pentaho_operations_mart"/>
- Which user shoul I put there? "pentaho_operations_mart" or "hibuser"
- What is this user for?