Hi there,
Some questions related to automatization over Pentaho 5.1.
We need to define a procedure (over Jenkins), in order to push updates of schemas, dashboards and reports into a remote Pentaho.
In previous releases we just scp the files it into the pentaho filesystem and forced a restart. Worked like charms.
But now with jackrabbit just don't know where schemas are stored, or even how to explore the jcr fs.
1. Is there any filesystem explorer like tool to do this?
Just found the RepositorySyncronizer but it has given us some headaches so we prefer to avoid it.
2. Is there any service exposed to publish schemas?
Put wireshark sniffing the Schema Workbench > publish action and got a put operation but would prefer a simpler method.
Also found the 'MondrianCatalogPublisher' servlet, but have no found information about it. Could try to understand parameters (publishPath, jndiName, EnableXmla, ..)
3. Same for other type files stored in the JCR.
Have no workarounds yet
Any ideas I could explore? :D
Some questions related to automatization over Pentaho 5.1.
We need to define a procedure (over Jenkins), in order to push updates of schemas, dashboards and reports into a remote Pentaho.
In previous releases we just scp the files it into the pentaho filesystem and forced a restart. Worked like charms.
But now with jackrabbit just don't know where schemas are stored, or even how to explore the jcr fs.
1. Is there any filesystem explorer like tool to do this?
Just found the RepositorySyncronizer but it has given us some headaches so we prefer to avoid it.
2. Is there any service exposed to publish schemas?
Put wireshark sniffing the Schema Workbench > publish action and got a put operation but would prefer a simpler method.
PUT /pentaho/plugin/data-access/api/mondrian/putSchema HTTP/1.1
3. Same for other type files stored in the JCR.
Have no workarounds yet
Any ideas I could explore? :D