i am trying to send a email trought "Mail" step with BMC Atrium Integrator Spoon v3.2.4.
The application does not show errors in the detailed log, it shows that the transformation has been done correctly, but the email is not received.
The configuration that i have introduced is:
Server smtp.gmail.com
Port: 465
Use Authentication
User : mygmailusername
Pass : mygmailpass
Secure Con Type : SSL
I have tried too with TSL and port 587 but i get the same behaviour.
Furthermore i have tried with a hotmail account too, but nothing change.
Any idea?
i am trying to send a email trought "Mail" step with BMC Atrium Integrator Spoon v3.2.4.
The application does not show errors in the detailed log, it shows that the transformation has been done correctly, but the email is not received.
The configuration that i have introduced is:
Server smtp.gmail.com
Port: 465
Use Authentication
User : mygmailusername
Pass : mygmailpass
Secure Con Type : SSL
I have tried too with TSL and port 587 but i get the same behaviour.
Furthermore i have tried with a hotmail account too, but nothing change.
Any idea?