I have installed 5.2 on jBoss 7.1.1 and am trying to get the operations mart up and running. However, when trying to open the analyzer reports, I am getting the following exception.
MDXConnection.ERROR_0002 - Invalid connection properties:
4:26:18,908 ERROR [org.pentaho.platform.web.http.api.resources.GeneratorStreamingOutput] (http-- Error generating content from content generator with id [editor]: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to get connnection jdbc:mondrian: DataSource=pentaho_operations_mart; overwrite=true; EnableXmla=false; Locale=en_US; Catalog=mondrian:/pentaho_operations_mart
I am able to connect to the datasource pentaho_operations_mart using JDBC connection.
Kindly advise on what can be done to fix this.
I have installed 5.2 on jBoss 7.1.1 and am trying to get the operations mart up and running. However, when trying to open the analyzer reports, I am getting the following exception.
MDXConnection.ERROR_0002 - Invalid connection properties:
4:26:18,908 ERROR [org.pentaho.platform.web.http.api.resources.GeneratorStreamingOutput] (http-- Error generating content from content generator with id [editor]: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to get connnection jdbc:mondrian: DataSource=pentaho_operations_mart; overwrite=true; EnableXmla=false; Locale=en_US; Catalog=mondrian:/pentaho_operations_mart
I am able to connect to the datasource pentaho_operations_mart using JDBC connection.
Kindly advise on what can be done to fix this.