As per the Pentaho InfoCenter 4.8 documentation, Pentaho User Console Styling - Changing the Default Logo - "The default logo is: /pentaho/server/biserver-ee/tomcat/webapps/pentaho/mantle/themes/onyx/images/logo.png (change the name of the theme from onyx to slate, or whatever your custom theme is, if you aren't using Onyx)."
However, how or where can we update this path?
We are having a multi-tenant setup and would want to display a tenant specific logo for each tenant. We are able to change the themes for tenant. But even after changing the theme, the logo.png is still picked up from the default Onyx theme. Please guide how can we change the default path?
However, how or where can we update this path?
We are having a multi-tenant setup and would want to display a tenant specific logo for each tenant. We are able to change the themes for tenant. But even after changing the theme, the logo.png is still picked up from the default Onyx theme. Please guide how can we change the default path?