I have followed this: https://help.pentaho.com/Documentati...50/010/060/000 with pentaho 5.3 and cas 4.0 (cas url tested and working) but pentaho is not using CAS, still showing the default admin/password page instead... I double checked pentaho-spring-beans.xml applicationContext-spring-security-cas.xml and -memory.xml and even web.xml (for tomcat/webapps/pentaho/WEB-INF/web.xml) and all the settings are there.
What's more, all it does now is tell me "A login error occurred. Please try again." when I try to use the default admin/password.
I checked some logs such as catalina.out and catalina-YYYMMDD.log, but couldn't find any clues (although I'm not sure what to look at in a log file that grows 400KB after 1 minute of usage)
Any clues/pointers are greatly appreciated. I love the ease of use of both Pentaho and CAS, but trying to get them to work together has been frustrating, with quite a number of various directory structues, jar files, xml configuration files, etc.
Thanks in advance!
What's more, all it does now is tell me "A login error occurred. Please try again." when I try to use the default admin/password.
I checked some logs such as catalina.out and catalina-YYYMMDD.log, but couldn't find any clues (although I'm not sure what to look at in a log file that grows 400KB after 1 minute of usage)
Any clues/pointers are greatly appreciated. I love the ease of use of both Pentaho and CAS, but trying to get them to work together has been frustrating, with quite a number of various directory structues, jar files, xml configuration files, etc.
Thanks in advance!