My pc: win 7
The server: Win 2008 R2 Std SP1
I can run both pentaho 5.4 and 6.0 on my local pc.
But when i try to run the same copy on the server, or download and extract from sourceforge, it wont start.
I open up cmd, and go to the dir and run "start-pentaho.bat", and get the following output:
It also seems to open another terminal window and close it before i get a chance to see if there is something to read there. The video below didn't catch the second window, as it closes too fast.
This folder is empty: D:\ptmp\b6\tomcat\logs
FYI: Java is installed on the server, and copied to a location near Pentaho path to make it detect the folder. Not sure if this might cause any problems.
The server: Win 2008 R2 Std SP1
I can run both pentaho 5.4 and 6.0 on my local pc.
But when i try to run the same copy on the server, or download and extract from sourceforge, it wont start.
I open up cmd, and go to the dir and run "start-pentaho.bat", and get the following output:
DEBUG: Found JRE one folder up
DEBUG: _PENTAHO_JAVA_HOME=D:\ptmp\b6\..\jre
DEBUG: _PENTAHO_JAVA=D:\ptmp\b6\..\jre\bin\java.exe
Using CATALINA_BASE: "D:\ptmp\b6\tomcat"
Using CATALINA_HOME: "D:\ptmp\b6\tomcat"
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: "D:\ptmp\b6\tomcat\temp"
Using JRE_HOME: "D:\ptmp\b6\..\jre"
Using CLASSPATH: "D:\ptmp\b6\tomcat\bin\bootstrap.jar;D:\ptmp\b6\tomcat\bi
This folder is empty: D:\ptmp\b6\tomcat\logs
FYI: Java is installed on the server, and copied to a location near Pentaho path to make it detect the folder. Not sure if this might cause any problems.