I'm unable to get the server started successfully on CentOS 6.5 with Java 1.7. I unzip to a directory and run ./start-pentaho.sh, only to be greeted by the attached pentaho.log and:
In a browser pointed at host:8080
Have the install instructions changed? This system previously housed 5.3 and I only needed to unzip & start to get up and running.
I'm unable to get the server started successfully on CentOS 6.5 with Java 1.7. I unzip to a directory and run ./start-pentaho.sh, only to be greeted by the attached pentaho.log and:
The following errors were detected
One or more system listeners failed. These are set in the systemListeners.xml.
org.pentaho.platform.api.engine.PentahoSystemException: PentahoSystem.ERROR_0014 - Error while trying to execute startup sequence for org.pentaho.platform.repository2.unified.BackingRepositoryLifecycleManagerSystemListener
Have the install instructions changed? This system previously housed 5.3 and I only needed to unzip & start to get up and running.