Isolation level never seems to be working.
Hi Mates, I'm using kettle pentaho with MsSql Server. For few of the transformations and jobs I'm getting deadlock errors. Hence tried to fix them by lowering the isolation level to READ_UNCOMMITTED. I...
View Articlemissing buttons after copied instance
Hello, we have a working biserver-ce 5.0.1 install on one machine ("A"). When we copy this installation to another machine ("B"), it does work, but some buttons, i.e. some functionality in some places...
View ArticleProblem with geographic (lat/long) type creation
Hi, I got a data source with two columns long and lat, and I would like to indicate to pentaho that those two columns are geographic. However I can't understand how I'm suppose to do that, if I use the...
View Articlemultitenancy in Pentaho
Good afternoon. Prompt please, whether exists in Pentaho multi tenancy? Problem in the following: There is a report. It is necessary what each user who opens the report, I saw in it only the data (Data...
View ArticleOpen report/dashboard in User Console via direct link
Hi all, I'd like to implement the following scenario: 1. User clicks on the report/dashboard link in an external system (wiki, email etc...); 2. Pentaho User Console is opened (following clicked link)...
View Article404 Not found with dynamic client no-ip BI SERVER..
Hello there, Hi, Im using No-Ip for some days in windows for rdp and having a webpage published with tomcat server, then i shifted to Ubuntu and its was no problem i got both the things working fine....
View ArticlePENTAHO CE 5.3: Pentaho Initialization Exception
Hi everybody. I've install pentaho ce 5.3 on my windows. When I want to browse the server, I got this error massage: The following errors were detected One or more system listeners failed. These are...
View ArticlePentaho User Console A login error occured
Hi, I'm new to pentaho. I facing an issue where I not able login successful into pentaho console. I try login as an Evaluator but failed. Kindly help and advise how to overcome this issue. Thank in...
View Articleretrieve 2 dimensioons arrays
Hello I am new to pentaho and want to retrieve from a xls file a array of 2 dimensions (rows ansd column) but i don't know how to do it
View ArticlePentaho BI CE 5.2 Fusion Charts Plugin installed through Marketplace Breaks...
I installed the Fusion Charts Plugin through Marketplace. Then as per the message in Marketplace I restarted Pentaho/Tomcat then when I went to login to the PUC I got a HTTP Status 404 Error. When I...
View ArticleTomcat 6 or Tomcat 7 ? (BI Server CE)
Hi What is the best supported tomcat version 6 or 7? for a manual installation of BI Server CE Is there any performance or other issues per tomcat version? Thanks
View ArticleHow to Read File and set fields dynamically
Hi I am newbie to Pentaho. My requirement is read the files automatically and create a output file with provided inputs header available on input files. 1.Read any bat file(Header fields are separated...
View ArticleAdding functionality to Pentaho BI Server
Hello friends, New to Pentaho here. I have Pentaho BI Server installed. I have developed some slick reports, and I have a legacy Java app that lets a user add data to a database table to include in the...
View Article[Help] Pentaho Installation 5.0.1 on Win7
Hi all, I have followed this tutorial in order to install pentaho: When i launch my start-pentaho.bat and go to http://localhost:8080/pentaho/ I...
View ArticleInstallation Problem Error listenerStart
Hi all, sorry if I post this again as I am new to this community I have followed the following tutorial on how to install pentaho with mysql on win7:...
View ArticleMigration from version 4.8 to 5.0.1
Hi, I have dashboards that I made with CDE Dashboard in version 4.8 and I want to move it to version 5.0.1 without doing them all again from scratch. I have the cdfde, wcdf and cda files in my...
View ArticlePentaho 4.8 PRO_SUBSCRIBE Table Question..
Hello, I have a rather weird problem with the revision value in the PRO_SUBSCRIBE table being much higher than necessary. Can someone elaborate on how this value is entered into this field? Thanks.
View ArticleMulti-tenant support for prompts in Dashboard
We are using Pentaho Dashboards (Pentaho v4.8) for a multi-tenant environment. We need to provide SQL list prompts such that they display only the data specific to a particular tenant. e.g. For User...
View Articlebiserver-ce- on Ubuntu: Installation / Spring configuration problem?
Hi there, we are using mySQL on Ubuntu to set up CE-Server. When starting I got following error: Mar 19, 2015 9:43:12 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext filterStart SEVERE: Exception starting...
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