I downloaded Pentaho CE 5.3 package for manual installation. By checking the documentation, I noticed there's no difference in the manual installation process of the versions 5.01 and 5.3. So I followed the same process. I'm using PostgreSQL for the repositories and Pentaho is deployed in Tomcat.
However, something went wrong when I tried to execute the server. After checking the logs, I could find no reason for this. Still, I made some tests and noticed that when I start the Hypersonic Database (which comes bundled together with pentaho war files) before starting Tomcat, then everything works.
What's weird is that Pentaho shouldn't depend on Hypersonic, since I configured the repositories to work with PostgreSQL. Then I checked what was generated in the repositories and noticed that the hibernate database was empty. No tables, views, sequences or anything. My suspicion is that for some reason Pentaho is still using Hypersonic for that database (hibernate). Yet, the application is configured to use PostgreSQL. According to the docs, all I had to do was configure Hibernate in the pentaho-solutions directory (both in hibernate-settings.xml and postgresql.hibernate.cfg.xml files), and also in context.xml in the META-INF directory of pentaho.war.
I did exactly as recommended, but if I try to start Pentaho without starting Hypersonic first, it fails.
Does anybody know what is causing this to happen? Thanks for any help.
I downloaded Pentaho CE 5.3 package for manual installation. By checking the documentation, I noticed there's no difference in the manual installation process of the versions 5.01 and 5.3. So I followed the same process. I'm using PostgreSQL for the repositories and Pentaho is deployed in Tomcat.
However, something went wrong when I tried to execute the server. After checking the logs, I could find no reason for this. Still, I made some tests and noticed that when I start the Hypersonic Database (which comes bundled together with pentaho war files) before starting Tomcat, then everything works.
What's weird is that Pentaho shouldn't depend on Hypersonic, since I configured the repositories to work with PostgreSQL. Then I checked what was generated in the repositories and noticed that the hibernate database was empty. No tables, views, sequences or anything. My suspicion is that for some reason Pentaho is still using Hypersonic for that database (hibernate). Yet, the application is configured to use PostgreSQL. According to the docs, all I had to do was configure Hibernate in the pentaho-solutions directory (both in hibernate-settings.xml and postgresql.hibernate.cfg.xml files), and also in context.xml in the META-INF directory of pentaho.war.
I did exactly as recommended, but if I try to start Pentaho without starting Hypersonic first, it fails.
Does anybody know what is causing this to happen? Thanks for any help.