Configure Saiku pluin with SSAS
Hi Can anyone please share how you have configured Pentaho BI Server 4.5 with SSASand view cubes using Saiku? Thanks for you help! Vinoth
View ArticleAnyone knows release date of 5.0?
Hi. As in topic - anyone knows something about release of 5.0? Where can I find any news about next release?
View ArticleHow i can install Hive on Windows , and connect with my Pentaho.
HI everybody, I'm beginning working with Pentaho and i need help. I already have one virtual machine with Hadoop installed, and now i need install the Hive on Windows, and make the connection with my...
View ArticleIntegration Questions, SSO with JAAS and customized filtering possibilities
Good Morning, 1) Im currently running pentaho webapplication on a jboss where i also deployed my custom webapplication which uses the jboss jaas authentication. Is it possible to configure pentaho to...
View Articlehow to write xaction file
How to write xaction file to run a particular transformation in bi server. Here the input is taken from the database and output is stored to a database?
View ArticleExcel writer error with bi-server
Hi, I can't execute kettle's transformation including Excel Writer on Bi-server. I know that in previous version of Kettle and bi-server, we need to copy excel writer plugin folder from Kettle to...
View ArticlePorblem with excel writer on Bi-server 4.5.0
Hi, I have problems with xaction executing excel writer on a kettle's transformation. I know that on previous version of bi-server we had to copy excel writer's folder to bi-server to make it work...
View ArticleCould any one help me with my install problem (WIN XP+4.8.0)
And I tried to connect it with mysql 5.6 just like I did with 4.5.0 I dont have this with 4.5.0 , but with 4.8.0 just cant start the service :( thanx in advance! 2013-04-26 09:26:41,843 ERROR...
View ArticleError: Creating Adhoc report with Sql Serverconnection
Hi, I created a JNDI connection in Admin Console for a SQL Server 2008 R2 database with JTDS driver 1.2.4. Test connection was successful. But when I try to create adhoc-report in BI Serve. I get the...
View ArticleSchedule ETL transformation using BI server
How to schedule an ETL transformation in BI Server community edition....
View ArticlePAD - Is there any way to place aggregation tables to different schema?
Could someone, pls, advice me, how to place aggregation tables to db schema, separate from main facts table? Is it possible?
View ArticleConnect Cloudera CDH4 in Pentaho BI Server 4
Hello, I'm new in Pentaho, and i need connect my bi server with cloudera cdh4. i already have my pentaho prepared to Cloudera CDH 4 ( now i need...
View ArticleLogin Error Pentaho User Console
Hi, I've created two rules (RULE1 and RULE2) and two users (USER1 and USER2) with Pentaho Administration Console and I've assigned the USER1 to the ROLE1 and the USER2 to the RULE2. I can't login with...
View ArticleAjax report using xaction
My goal is to write an html page that accesses data from pentaho via an ajax call to an xaction and then to render the response using some js charting library (highcharts, for example). I would like to...
View Articlefile based triggering in design studio
is it possible to do file based triggering in Design Studio? my requirement is when ever a file comes in to a directory a job should trigger and execute the file. please help me out.... thanks in Advance
View ArticleParameter parsing error while opening a report
I have a problem opening a report having cascading parameters for the first time in PUC. If I open the second time it runs fine from then. Could some one help me with this. Here is the error form error...
View ArticleError parsing parameter information error when I run a report
When I run the report with cascading parameters for the 1st time I get an error "Error parsing parameter information". When I run it 2nd time it runs fine from then. Here is the error msg from the...
View ArticleAdmin Console (Community) import username password roles from oracle db to...
Hi guys, Sorry, I'm newbies. Would like to know, is it possible to import username, password, roles from oracle db to hibernate sql (default used by Pentaho)? or is there any other solution to use...
View ArticleDEsgion studio 4.0:Xaction Get Data from OLAP cientific expresion
Hello everybody, I have a strange problem and i think cause Get data from OLAP because de same sentence in the JPIvot Analysis viewer don't do that. I have a MDX sentence like this: With Member...
View ArticleScheduler error
Hi, I just installed the BI Server Release 4.8.0.stable.51169 on a Windows 2008 Server. I created no new action sequences. I keep getting the following error: ERROR...
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